Passo 1 de 7 14% PREZADO VISITANTE, O seu teste será avaliado por profissionais do Cultural e tabulado de acordo com o CEFR - Commom European Framework of Reference, um padrão internacional para avaliação linguística. No caso de seu nível for avançado, para uma melhor avaliação talvez seja necessário fazer uma composição e/ou uma entrevista oral. Nesse caso, um de nossos profissionais entrará em contato por telefone ou e-mail. Queremos lhe dar o melhor feed-back o possível, por isso, pedimos que faça o seu teste sem "chutar" de forma que não haja interferência no resultado real.Nome* Data de Nascimento*Dia12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Mês123456789101112Ano20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920E-Mail* Telefone Como conheceu o Cultural?* Através de amigos ou familiares Internet (Facebook, Google, Site Cultural) Propaganda ou Programa de TV Propaganda ou Programa de Rádio Anúncio em Jornal Conhecimento prévio de inglês*Escola de inglês que estudou Parte I1. Hello Sara, -----------? I'm very well, thank you. How do you? How are you? How you are? How is it? 2. How old are you? -------------------- I twenty I have 20 years I'm twenty I have twenty 3. Is this your book? ------------------- No, isn't it No, it isn't No, he isn't No, there isn't 4. ---------- is your address? 12, Sundown Street, New York City. How What Who Where 5. Sam ---------- a doctor, he's a teacher at the university. aren't not doesn't isn't 6. Do you have a computer? Yes, --------------- I do I got I've got I have 7. ---------- is this blue bag? It's $10.50 How much Where How big What 8. What's her job? She's ---------- a actress actress the actress an actress 9. --------- your car? It's in the parking lot. Which is Who's When's Where's 10. She ----------- a house downtown. got have has is got P1P2P3P4P5P6P7P8P9P10Parte I (%) Parte II11. We don’t have ----------- . some children any children a children one children 12. Are you good ---------.sports? Yes, I am. on on to at 13. Do you -------------- how to say hello in Chinese? what know say can 14. He ---------- in an office every morning from eight to twelve. working works work am working 15. What ----------- of music do you like? I like hip-hop a lot. time song singer kind 16. I usually ask for help ----------- I don't know how to solve a problem. where when in wich 17. --------- do you spend money on clothes? Where What How How often 18. Many people donate things they don't need to ---------. the environment wallet charity shops banks 19. ----------- you hold your breath for one minute? Can Will May Do 20. -------------I finish a long, stressful day at work, I relax by playing video games. Before When While After P11P12P13P14P15P16P17P18P19P20Parte II (%) Parte III21. What does he look like? He's quite tall and he's got short, dark ----------- . glasses eyes head hair 22. I'm hungry. ------------ something to eat, please. I like I'd want I'd like I'm like 23. He ---------- born in 1963 in Spain. had is was did 24. Switzerland is ------------ than Britain. as small smallest more small smaller 25. What was the ----------- like in Vienna? It was cold and cloudy. time weather cold temperature 26. He passed his English exam very ------------. easy easier good easily 27. When ---------- you go to the USA? Last year. did was went have 28. Did she stay with friends? ----------- No, she didn't No, she didn't stay No, she stayed not No, she didn't stayed 29. Excuse me, waiter. Can you bring me the ---------, please? note money ticket check 30. She's ------------ a blue coat and a grey scarf. looking seeing wearing putting P21P22P23P24P25P26P27P28P29P30Parte III (%) Parte IV31. ------------- you ever visited London? Did Do Were Have 32. Let's go somewhere else. There's ---------- noise in this room. too many too much enough too 33. They usually --------- at home but today they --------- lunch in a restaurant. are eating, have eat, have eat, are having are eating, are having 34. I think most people ---------- English for their jobs in the future. need are needing will need will have needed 35. Teenagers today like wearing casual clothes, so leather shoes aren't ------------- sneakers. as fashionable than as fashionable as more fashionable as fashionable 36. I'm sorry but I don't understand what you ---------. Can you explain it again, please. tell know mean talk 37. We ------------ lunch when the phone -----------. had, rang were having, rang were having, was ringing had, has rung 38. If you don't want to burn yourself you ---------- lie in the sun all day. won't don't shouldn't couldn't 39. If you don't leave now you'll ---------- the bus and there isn't another one today. catch save miss take 40. If I have enough money next year, I ----------- to the USA. will go go would go went P31P32P33P34P35P36P37P38P39P40Parte IV (%) Parte V41. It's usually quite warm in September ----------- it often rains, --------- bring a raincoat. but, so so, because unless, but for, as 42. ----------- she likes coffee, she prefers tea. However Although But When 43. --------------------- for the bus, a man with a gun ran out of the bank across the street from us. As we were waiting When we waited As soon as we waited Until we waited 44. It's the best film ------------- . You should go and see it. I ever saw I've ever seen I've never seen I've already seen 45. We're not paying a builder to fix the wall. We've decided to do it -----------. us ourselves ourself our own P41P42P43P44P45Parte V (%) Parte VI46. I wish they wouldn't -------- so much time with unnecessary meetings. waste lose take put away 47. They've lived in that house ---------- they were children. for during since until 48. When he arrived a crowd -------------- for several hours to greet him. had been waiting is waiting has been waiting was waiting 49. ------------- she was an hour late, she didn't apologize. In spite of Even though However Because 50. I think he's a really good live performer, and his songs are excellent. ------------- you can't hear the words because the music is too loud. The trouble is In fact On the whole What's more P46P47P48P49P50Parte VI (%)